Research on multimedia technologies in million-book digital library

2010-06-09 Vistors:1280


“Research on multimedia technologies in million-book digital library” mainly focuses issues as follow: we put forth an organization model and synthesis mechanism for heterogeneous data such as text, image, video and Chinese calligraphy; we implemented several algorithms to resolve the problems of how to effectively utilize multimedia resource in digital library including multimedia analysis and retrieval, video summarization and structural organization, retrieval and verification of Chinese calligraphy, digital object creation, content design with synthetic reasoning and personalized recommendation; The portal of CADAL (China Academic Digital Associative Library) is constructed to be accessible at since November, 2005 with 370,000 daily users.    
    Currently, there are more than 1,200,000 digitalized books in CADAL and 15,000,000 pages are digitalized per month.
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