The director of FIT Liu Xu leaded the group to visit the United States Brown University

2011-07-07 Vistors:3689


A few days ago, the director of FIT Liu Xu visited the United States Brown University, together with Du Yiping, Jin Zhonghe, Chen Wei and Zhang Guochuan. In three days of intensive visit, the five professors met with the vice present Professor Matthew Gutmann and the dean of the College of Engineering Professor Rod Clifton. They got the preliminary intent on issues such as the undergraduate student exchange, young teachers’ visits and scientific research cooperation. The finally plan will be made at the present Yang Wei`s visiting in November.

The Brown University is very famous in the United States. It is composed by four colleges. During the visiting time, the five professors visited most of the colleges and met with about 20 professors. They discussed about the research fields that both sides are interested in. Through the deep discussion, both sides knew more about each other.


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