A Shading Reuse Method for Efficient Micropolygon Ray Tracing

2012-03-23 Vistors:1062


Hou, Qiming;  Zhou, Kun

 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON GRAPHICS   Volume: 30   Issue: 6  2011 

 This paper develops a shading reuse method for micropolygon ray tracing. Unlike previous shading reuse methods, this method doesn't  Require an explicit object-to-image space mapping for shading density estimation or shading accuracy. It allows the elegant handling of ray tracing effects such as reflection and refraction. The overhead of our shading reuse operations is minimized by a highly parallel implementation on the GPU. Compared to the state-of-the-art micropolygon ray tracing algorithm, our method is able to reduce the equired shading evaluations by an order of magnitude and achieve significant performance gains.

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