Harmonic Image Reconstruction Assisted by a Nonlinear Metmaterial Surface

2012-03-23 Vistors:728

 Wang, Zhiyu;  Luo, Yu;  Jiang, Tao;  Wang, Zheng;  Huangfu, Jiangtao;  Ran, Lixin

Physical review letters     Volume: 106   Issue: 4    2011.

The paper experimentally demonstrated a microwave far-field image reconstruction modality with the transverse resolution exceeding the diffraction limit by using a single layer of highly nonlinear metamaterial. The harmonic fields of the nonlinear metamaterial surface allow the far-field propagation of wavefronts with spatial frequencies several times higher than that of the fundamental field. Near-field images can thus be mathematically recovered from the far-field patterns of the harmonic fields.


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