Single-Nanowire Single-Mode Laser

2012-03-26 Vistors:767



 Xiao, Yao;  Meng, Chao;  Wang, Pan;  Ye, Yu;  Yu, Huakang;  Wang, Shanshan;  Gu, Fuxing;  Dai, Lun; Tong, Limin.
NANO LETTERS     Volume: 11    Issue: 3   2011,      Pages: 1122-1126  

As nanoscale coherent sources, nanowire lasers are promising for many applications but traditionally they operate at multi-modes due to the lacking of mode selection capability. In 2011, by folding a 200-nm-diameter CdSe nanowire into high-reflectivity loop mirrors to create coupled cavities, The paper reported the first single-nanowire single-mode laser with low threshold, which paved the way to practical applications of nanowire lasers. This work was highlighted in Nature, Nature Nanotechnology, Photonic Spectra.

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