The high-level academic symposium of the Annual Conference Series of Zhejiang University and the 4th young faculty award ceremony were held in Yuquan Campus

2014-05-18 Vistors:5846


In the morning of May 17th 2014, the high-level academic symposium of the Annual Conference series of Zhejiang University and the 4th young faculty award ceremony were held at Shao Yifu Science Building in Yuquan Campus. Professor Liu Xu, Deputy director from Cyber Innovation Joint Research Center, and young faculties from different departments attended the meeting.
First, Professor Xu Liu presided over the 4th young faculty award ceremony and read the award announcement. In total, 11 young teachers were awarded, and Jun Qian, Xiaojin Gong and Yunjun Gao gave the presentations as the representatives. They gave their appreciations to Faculty of Information Technology to build a harmonious scientific research platform with a strong academic atmosphere for young faculties, and therefore they have more opportunities to show themselves, communicate and cooperate with each other. They said that the young faculty award for them is an honor, but also a responsibility and incentives and encouragement for moving further.
Professor Xu Liu said that in the face of the fierce competition at home and abroad, Zhejiang University play more attentions on the development of young faculties, and launched the "Hundred Talents Program". He hoped that the young faculties should take the opportunity, face the challenges, and play more important roles on the international academic stage.
Next, the high-level academic symposium session was chaired by Cyber Scholars Prof. Jiming Chen and Prof. Zhaoyang Zhang. Prof. Xu Liu gave a welcome speech. Prof. P. R. Kumar, from Texas A&M University, a member of the National Academy of Engineering of the USA, and the Academy of Sciences of the Developing World, gave an excellent speech titled “Towards a theory of security for wireless networking”. Prof. Mingyue Fu from Zhejiang University, and Associate Prof. Huaiyu dai from North Carolina State University, brought their wonderful talks, respectively. At the meantime, Professor Xu Liu, the dean of the human resources department of Zhejiang University, issued a certificate of appointment as an adjunct professor to Huaiyu Dai.






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