Prof. Tong Limin group in Department of Optical Engineering have made noticeable progress in microfiber and nanowire photonic devices. Based on a graphene coated microfiber, the group has experimentally demonstrated an ultrafast all-optical modulator with bandwidth up to 200 GHz, which is highly potential for ultrafast optical signal processing. The results was published in Nano Letters[Nano Lett. 14, 955 (2014)], and was highlighted as “ACS Editor’s Choice” and ISI highly cited paper. Based on trasverse second harmonic generation in a CdS nanowire, the group reported a single-nanowire optical correlator for on-chip ultrafast pulse measurement with ultra compactness [Nano Lett. 14,3487 (2014)]. Invited by editor of the renown review journal Accounts of Chemical Research, the group published a review article in nanowire waveguides and their photonic applications, reported the “loss-confinement-bandwidth” balance in nanowire waveguides, and discussed the future challenge and opportunity in this field.