作者: Li, Kan; Zhen, Hongyu; Niu, Liyong; 等.
来源:ADVANCED MATERIALS 卷: 26 期: 42 页: 7271-7278 出版年: NOV. 2014
Flexible organic solar cells (OSCs) have attracted remarkable attention in the past two decades because of their unique advantages and commercial application prospect. Recently, The Prof. Li Haifeng Group with their cooperator form Hong Kong Polytechnic University firstly develop the full-solution processed flexible organic solar cells usinglow-cost printable copper electrodes. In commercial manufacture, copper possesses the advantages of high electrical conductivity and lowcost, which is very promising electrode material. However, the instability of copper’s chemical property leads to a technological difficulty to achieve good interface in semiconductor devices. This work successfully overcomes this difficulty and the fabricated device performance has reached the lead level in the congenericdevices. More importantly, benefited from the features of PAMD (polymer-assisted metal deposition) metal printing process, the devices based on printed copper electrodes present excellent stability for mechanical deformation.