Electrothermal Investigation on Vertically Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Contacted Phase Change Memory Array for 3-D ICs

2016-06-16 Vistors:216


作者: Chen, Wenchao; Yin, Wen-Yan; Li, Erping; 等.
来源:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES 卷: 62 期: 10 页: 3258-3263 出版年: OCT 2015


Vertically aligned single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) contacted phase change memory (PCM) has great potential for future 3-D IC. Electrothermal investigation on the memory array is performed by using three-dimensional time-domain finite element method. Thermal coupling between adjacent cells, which can cause current leakage and reliability degradation, is characterized. Thermal boundary resistance and SWCNT diameter affect temperature rise and thermal coupling significantly. Transient temperature responses show unintentional ESD can result in error programming.
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