Professor Chen Hongsheng named IEEE Fellow

2021-11-30 Vistors:22

On November 24th, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) announced the 2022 ACM Fellows to recognize their work . The total number selected in any one year cannot exceed 0.1% of the total voting membership.Professor CHEN Hongsheng, dean of the  College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering, ZJU. were elected as 2022 ACM Fellows. for his significant contributions to electromagnetic metamaterial and invisibility cloak.

Prof. Chen focuses his current research on the areas of metamaterials, antennas, invisibility cloaking, transformation optics, and theoretical and numerical methods of electromagnetics. He is the coauthor of more than 260 international refereed journal papers. His works have been highlighted by many scientific journals and public media, including Nature, Scientific American, MIT Technology Review, The Guardian, Physorg, and so on. His research work on invisibility cloak was selected in Science Development Report as one of the representative achievements of Chinese Scientists in 2007. He is a regular reviewer of many international journals on electromagnetics, physics, optics, and electrical engineering. He serves on the Topical Editor of Journal of Optics, the Editorial Board of the Nature's Scientific Reports, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, and Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications.

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