The Annual Academic Workshop of ZJU Collaborative Innovation Center for Industrial Cyber-Physical System(iCPS) was Successfully Held

2022-12-26 Vistors:10

The annual academic workshop of ZJU Collaborative Innovation Center for industrial Cyber-Physical System (iCPS) was successfully held on December 24th, 2022. In 2022, iCPS has cooperated with many institutions and has made good progress in scientific research, talent cultivation, and project application. At the academic workshop, Prof. Shibo He, the director of iCPS, delivered a special report on the work summary of iCPS  and the following year’s plan. More than 80 people participated in the online discussion, including the former director, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Sun Youxian, Prof. Li Erping, the Deputy Director of FIT, and all of the academic committee of iCPS. Besides, seven experts including Academicians of CAE, prof. Wang Yaonan from Hunan Univerisity and Academicians of CAS, Prof. Guan xiaohong from Xi’an Jiaotong University , made significant presentations.

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