Congratulations to Professor Qiu Jianrong on his team's achievements

2023-04-17 Vistors:19

On March 17, 2023, the achievement of Prof.Qiu Jianrong's team from COSE discovering a new mechanism for the micro-nano structure of complex systems induced by femtosecond lasers was successfully awarded as Chinese top ten science progress in 2022.

When the femtosecond laser is focused inside the material, various highly nonlinear effects will be produced, and the interaction between light and matter under such extreme conditions is full of unknowns and challenges. Qiu Jianrong's team from COSE at Zhejiang University and their collaborators discovered a new mechanism for the formation of micro-nano structures in complex systems induced by femtosecond lasers. This achievement reveals the law of femtosecond laser-induced space-selective mesoscale phase separation and ion exchange, and opens up the principle of femtosecond laser three-dimensional extreme manufacturing technology.

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