3D Imprinting of Voxel-Level Structural Colors in Lithium Niobate Crystal

2024-06-13 Vistors:10

作者:Wang Zhuo, Zhang Bo, Qiu Jianrong;等

来源:ADVANCED MATERIALS  :35 :47   (): 2303256 出版年:June 2023

A facile voxel-level programmable 3D structural coloration in LiNbO3 is proposed by ultrafast-laser-induced micro-amorphization strategy and pulse-internal-coupling effect is revealed during laser–crystal interaction (Fig. 1). Micro–nanoscale colorful voxels is fast inscribed and flexibly manipulated in 3D space (Fig. 2). Multidimensional data storage with large capacity, high writing/readout speed, long lifetime, and excellent stability is achieved.

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