(时间更新)新加坡科技设计大学副教务长学术报告:The Next Big Things in Education and Research

来源:信息学部中文网 时间:2016-10-19 访问次数:2786
报 告 人Prof. YEO Kiat Seng
主  持 人:李尔平教授  
信息学部副主任  ZJU-UIUC联合学院院长
 The new challenges posed by an increasingly integrated world require a rethinking of how we address our current education system and future research directions. This talk begins with an introduction of Singapore University of Technology and Design, which was established in collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
 As teaching and research are the yin and the yang of successful universities, it is important to understand the teaching-research connections. If you have teaching without research you risk of not creating new knowledge. If you have research without teaching you risk of imparting old knowledge or (not transferring new knowledge). So, what are the new skill-sets and attributes in preparing young people to excel and succeed in the 21st century?
 Today there are many forces driving change in research. The research landscape is becoming more global every day. This changes how we think about research collaborations. It also changes the nature and direction of our research. What are the challenges of modern research? What are the next big things? How is it going to affect us? This talk will attempt to answer these questions. As a conclusion, the other trends to watch for the next revolution will be presented.
 Prof.YEO Kiat Seng,IEEE Fellow,博士毕业于南洋理工大学。现任SUTD副教务长(研究生课程与国际关系处),新加坡电子半导体工业协会顾问委员会成员,新加坡人力发展局行业技能和培训理事会委员、新加坡浙江经贸理事会委员等。无论是在低功耗无线电频率或毫米波集成电路的设计领域方面,是世界知名的CMOS技术方面专家。他曾在NTU EEE担任的管理层职位包括负责研究的副主席、电路与系统部主任及学生事务部副院长、VIRTUS (一家耗资5000万新元,南大和新加坡经济发展局共同设立的集成电路设计卓越中心)副主席. 曾出版过6本书籍和5篇文章, 出版过500多篇学术论文,拥有35项专利。2009年获得由新加坡总统颁发的公共管理铜奖章,同年获得南大卓越南洋校友奖。


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